Since my request for music suggestions was an obvious flop, I've decided to move on. Don't worry though, we're getting some suggestions from various places....we should be ok.
I wrote the following on the bus ride home from CMU on October 12, 2004 and just came across it while cleaning up.
Sick and miserable, and drugged up on NeoCitron, I skipped my last class today and trudged to the bus stop in the rain. As I stood in the shelter, I noticed an unusual number of loud 12-15 year old boys waiting for the bus. In the distance I could see a similar number at the bus stop just before mine. There are about 20 at each bus stop, and they all seem to know one another.
After about forty minutes of waiting, trying to drown out the cacophony with internal humming, the bus finally comes.
Surprisingly, we all fit on and all is well, albeit a little cramped. I did manage to get a seat after glaring indignantly at one young man until he picked up his backpack and moved over. So far, so good...
...until we get to the very next bus stop where about thirty more of these guys were waiting.
All chaos breaks loose. They're all trampling and pushing each other to get in, with the poor bus driver screaming at the top of his voice - both at them to stop shoving, and at the rest of the bus to move back. About half of them do manage to get on. So now, about 60 adolescent boys are on the bus - along with everyone else. They're all rude, loud and roughhousing. And, they ALL have backpacks. And not just any backpacks; these are HUGE backpacks full of books! I tell you, not unless you were hiking the Himalayas would you need such monstrosities. And honestly, how much does the average 14 year old read?
It was awful. The shoving, pushing, having a backpack shoved against the side of my head, the incident where one of the boys (egged on by his noble peers) actually did some crowd surfing and launched himself on to the sea of arms below!
Somewhere amidst all this, it came to me...I should have gone to class today.
Since I don't dance and don't know music, my input would have been of limited value.
It's fun when you find things you wrote a long time ago.
and yet, it could have been written yesterday.
A classic example of two persistent problems with Winnipeg Transit:
a) Winnipeggers are idiots who have no concept of the space they take up and the fact that others may need to share it,
and b) you waited 40 minutes in the cold, only to be crammed into a bus with 60 rowdy boys in the aisles? hello, we need greater frequency!
Sigh. One of my dearest wishes is that smarmy "Shammy" Katz and any of his cronies and underlings who have anything to do with making decisions about transit would be cursed to ride Winnipeg Transit as their sole mode of transportation for the rest of their lives. It would be so sweet because not only would I taste my revenge, but after a while, service would improve, so I'd kill two birds with one stone.
I haven't read blogger in ages so I missed the music boat... i was feeling all nostalgic and missed you so I am re-blogging it up. well, maybe just your blog. Anyway, I'm excited to see you, the time will fly before june.
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