Monday, June 18, 2012

The Happy Cooker

I really enjoy cooking. Eric might say otherwise, since he often sees me stressed out of my mind trying to put something together last minute for company, but I really do.

I like experimenting and reading cookbooks and food blogs…so fun!
This week, for example, we made a watermelon salad – a mix of sweet, spice, and salt that was quite nice. We found the recipe in the Free Press – and we tried the blended watermelon drink from the same edition for our guests on Friday. I also baked a banana cream pie for my Dad's birthday - delicious! (not gluten free though - if you're going to bake pie, may as well go all the way..)

I also (usually) enjoy the challenge of looking for ideas that are gluten free and don’t involve trying to replicate a wheat dish with 10 different starches and other suspect ingredients. We made a gluten free “pizza”with a mashed cauliflower base recently (another recipe we served on Friday) that turned out quite well. It's not really pizza, but it's still pretty tasty.

One delicious dip!
I found this food blog recently and love it! She has great ideas - we have her refrigerator oatmeal for breakfast every morning and I've made her bean dip (though not in the fancy margarita glasses like she did) and it's my new favourite dip recipe. Three of us plowed into it with chips and fresh veggies and it made a great supper all by itself!


EJMD said...

Yes, it's true; in the moment, it doesn't seem like you're having that much fun. But I know, in the end, you do like it.

The 'pizza' is probably the best gluten-free variety I've had; it doesn't have that weird after-taste that gluten-free doughs have, or a nutty soy flavour that's overpowering. It's actually quite good indeed, but certainly won't match the real thing.

The dip was really good! And I usually like to eat my tortilla chips straight-up, but I'd definitely go for this dip again. Let's do it in our wide champagne glasses next time!

Rebs said...

Sometimes it's fine though - depends on how complicated a dish I've picked.

I looked at those, but they didn't seem big enough! We'd have had to have 3 each. But if we were doing it for a party and not as a main course, it could work.