What to do when facebook is boring and twitter is incomprehensible?
Go back to blogging, that's what.
Have I become a dinosaur? Sometimes I suspect I have.
Facebook isn't often interesting...I don't spend all that much time on it. Still useful for sending messages to people that you have no other way of contacting, and ocasionally seeing people's holiday pictures.
Perhaps I'm too self-centred. I'm vaguely interested in the big life moments of people that I used to know - engagements, etc. But the most interesting profiles are of people I actually see all the time - my sister-in-law posting funny pictures her class drew for her...and then we get to reminisce and laugh about them when we're together.
That's partly why I miss the little blogging community we used to have...I guess I also miss that circle of people that used to be. It was a good group.
But circles change and life carries on. I guess that's okay too. You can't recapture those moments. And all you have left is bittersweet memories. And facebook friends.
I put in Veronica Mars disc 1 last night and immediately regretted my entire life since we'd last watched it.
oh Tom...I know what you mean.
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